Vision and Values

At Billingshurst Primary Academy, we want our community to thrive in all aspects of their school life. We embrace, teach, support and live our ABC values, encouraging Ambition, building Belonging and developing Courage in all we do.

Our curriculum is fully inclusive, encouraging every child to engage and flourish.  It is broad, balanced, progressive and exciting, supporting all our children as they grow into independent, confident, articulate learners who are ready for the next stage of their education and life beyond in modern Britain.

We take the time to help children to develop their own, individual point of view. Our curriculum offers children the chance to develop and further their own interests in different subject areas, as we know this has a positive impact on their levels of confidence and engagement. Our children are empowered with extra responsibilities such as school councillors, sports leaders and our eco group, making sure they are included in the running of the school and have a meaningful say in its future. 

Excellent outcomes for all will be planned using the national curriculum and early years foundation stage curriculum as a basis. From this all adults will deliver meaningful learning reflecting the needs of the community. Learning outcomes will demonstrate planned use of school grounds, the local community, and our society.  

Equality and diversity in our curriculum is of the highest priority as we work to decolonise and diversify our curriculum. Opportunities are planned to see learning from different perspectives and to learn and grow from this and create a sense of belonging for all. Safeguarding is threaded through all we do and everything we teach, supporting children to feel safe and have a sense of belonging

We provide a solid foundation of literacy and numeracy skills from Early Years to Year 6, ensuring that all our children have the foundations for future learning. Learning across all curriculum areas promotes knowledge and the development of appropriate skills.

Developing a child's love for reading is incredibly beneficial for their development, well-being and academic achievement across the curriculum. All children, from EYFS up, are afforded time to discover new books, share their personal reading experiences and read with adults and their peers. Great readers go on to become creative writers, scientists, historians and succeed in all areas of learning. 

Our two high-quality libraries and partnerships with West Sussex Schools' Library Services and The Book Nook ensure that the selection of texts is current and well-matched to children's interests and reading abilities.

Oracy is a key driver for our curriculum, and we teach both the explicit skills of learning to talk and talking to learn through all subject areas. We know this has a huge impact on academic attainment, especially for those children who are disadvantaged.

Curriculum monitoring at all levels, by Sussex Learning Trust, senior leaders, governors and subject leaders, plays an important part in self review and planning for next steps. Children also support this process through pupil voice, children's equality group and class and school council. School monitoring consisting of staff and governors ensures a sustained focus on school development priorities and excellence. We ensure all staff receive the opportunity to lead as an individual or as a part of a group. We are passionate about professional development and support for staff. We want staff to feel empowered and supported in their work and for all stakeholders to have ambition, belong and develop courage at Billingshurst Primary Academy.


Billingshurst Primary Academy Values:

Ambition: We will strive for excellence, constantly pushing for personal and collective growth.

Belonging: We will respect the diverse world in which we live, value differences and build an inclusive community where everyone can thrive. 

Courage: We will persevere through challenges and have the confidence to take risks in order to achieve our goals.

Billingshurst Primary Academy Aims:

Aim 1: To achieve potential, regardless of starting point, through a rich and diverse curriculum.

Aim 2: To positively contribute to society through acts of kindness, support for social and environmental causes and a commitment to fairness, equality and inclusion.

Aim 3: To create a safe environment by promoting physical and emotional safety.

Aim 4: To develop strong passionate leaders who inspire a culture of excellence.

Aim 5: To work collaboratively with academies in the Sussex learning Trust and other establishments to develop a sustainable and forward thinking place of education.