Miss Bronwyn Spoard
Year Lead and Year 1 Teacher - Jeffers
Miss Amy Jolley
Year 1 Teacher - Percival
Mrs Mary Mason
Year 1 Teacher - Percival
Miss Chelsea Milner
Year 1 Teacher - Klassen
Welcome to Year 1!
The teachers are Miss Spoard (Year Lead) Miss Milner, Mrs Mason and Miss Jolley, supported by Mrs Dewell, Mrs Casagrande and Mrs Richardson.
A smooth transition from Early Years to Year One is one of our priorities in the Autumn term as this provides the children with a positive start the Key Stage 1 National Curriculum.
Teaching, learning and assessment takes different forms throughout the day; new ideas and concepts are introduced during regular inputs where the children are involved in age appropriate discussions, handle various manipulatives and practice new skills. All whilst being guided by the teacher. The children are then challenged and supported through either 1:1 sessions, small group work or independent activities depending on their needs. Our classroom environments are carefully planned to inspire the children’s learning through our topics. In the Autumn term, our provision is often set up to encourage child initiated learning and opportunities to learn through play. Throughout the year, the learning provision changes to become more structured.
We want the children to take ownership of their learning, therefore we spend time each lesson providing in the moment feedback. This is when we discuss the children’s learning, their areas of strength and how they can improve next time.
Your child will bring home a Read Write Inc book and you will receive a link to an online text every week. These link to the text they are reading in class. We encourage all our children to read these books more than once over the week to promote understanding and comprehension skills. They will also have the opportunity to bring home a 'pleasure for reading' book and these are for the children to enjoy with their grown up.
We are very happy to see you about any questions or concerns you may have at any time during the year. Please feel free to either talk to us at the end of the day or make an appointment if you would like to talk in more detail.
You can contact any of the team via year1@billingshurstprimary.org.uk.