Year 4

Mrs Jo Mujik

Year Lead and Year 4 Teacher - Rundell

Miss Emily Erskine

Year 4 Teacher - Hardy

Miss Liz Spray

Year 4 Teacher - Leonard

Welcome to life in Year 4 at Billingshurst Primary School.

The teachers are Mrs Mujik (Year Lead), Miss Eskine and Miss Spray.  They are supported by Mrs Hulcoop, Mrs Tanner, Mrs Cunningham, Mrs Lewsley and Mrs Marr.

In this second year of the Key Stage 2 curriculum, the children will be consolidating their knowledge from Year 3 in a variety of contexts and further building on their previous learning. In the Autumn term, our theme is Rampaging Romans. This history-based term sees us learn about the Roman soldiers and their army, the successful invasion of Britain and the ‘Romanisation’ of Britain that we still witness today.

In the Spring term, we have a geography focus with the theme 'What lies beneath?'. For this term we will move across Central America into South America, learning about the ancient Mayan civilisation, our class countries and the Amazon rainforest on our journey.

Finally, in the Summer term, the children’s learning is based around the theme of Incredible Inventions. This gives us the opportunity to absorb some wonderful texts such as The Iron Man by Ted Hughes and The Wild Robot by Peter Brown and allows the children to show their creativity in creating their own inventions and demonstrate their skills in science, art and DT. Every term, the children's learning experiences will be enriched through visits, curriculum focus days or visitors, and the children will be able to complete some independent work at home based on a selection of optional tasks.

In addition to their PE lessons, children in Year 4 are also taught two terms of swimming lessons at the local pool.

We welcome the support of parent helpers in school, and you can also assist your child throughout the year by supporting the learning of their multiplication and division facts, listening to your child read regularly and recording observations in their reading journal and learning spellings which are brought home at the end of each unit in their spelling log books.

We look forward to working with you and your children in developing independent, resilient learners.

Please feel free to contact us via our Year Group email: