Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Grant Funding

Pupil Premium is funding allocated to our school for pupils who meet the criteria for free school meals, whose parents are in the Forces, or for pupils who are themselves in the Care of the Local Authority, to support their education, learning and progress. 

The impact of the use made of this additional funding is under constant review, and is formally assessed at the end of each academic year. 

What do we plan to do this year?
On this page (at the bottom) you will find the report detailing how we plan to spend this year's funding and a review of the impact of the funding from last academic year.
We are an inclusive school:  we welcome all children.  We see and develop the potential of every unique child and make no judgement or discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, culture, religion, social background, sexuality, beliefs, economic background or disability.  We view every single child as equal in aspiration, education and value.  We see every child as unique and know that some children will need more support and resources than others to ensure they are treated equitably.  Our most disadvantaged children deserve and receive our 'first and best' in all we do to help them bridge the gap between themselves and more advantaged children.  The report explains how we do this and the approaches we take.
Firstly, we ensure the highest Quality First Teaching - getting it right for every child in the classroom.  We employ expert and highly - skilled intervention teachers in each year group who work with disadvantaged and SEND, children at the point of teaching as we believe this makes most impact.
We then have a number of additional strategies that are targeted at our disadvantaged children to help them close the gap on their advantaged peers, which includes providing resources such as uniform and books, funding clubs and trips and providing emotional support for children who have difficulties regulating their emotions, which in turn allow them to be better and ready to learn.
Our community is extremely diverse in the socio-economic backgrounds of our families.  Disadvantaged families are in the minority but, because of this, they can feel far more isolated than in areas of greater disadvantage, and resources for support can be further away and difficult to access.  It is our determined pledge to support children who are disadvantaged to do as well as their peers and to increase their life chances.
We recognise that disadvantage is not just an issue of poverty but can be due to a number of reasons.  We identify children needing support to include eligibility for Free School Meals but also to include family trauma, addiction, social care issues, education barriers, mobility and any other identified barrier that puts the child at a social and educational disadvantage.