Year 5

Mrs Rachel Curley

Year Lead and Year 5 Teacher - Hargrave

Miss Rebecca Brown

Year 5 Teacher - Anderson

Ms Kat Rozenthal

Year 5 Teacher - Blackman

Mrs Jane Stripp

Year 5 Teacher - Blackman

Welcome to Year 5 at Billingshurst Primary Academy!

The teachers are Ms Curley (Year Leader), Miss Brown and Mrs Rozenthal/Ms Stripp .  They are supported by Mrs Hiley, Mr Tickner and Mrs Marr

We are excited about this year's curriculum and have some wonderful topics throughout Year 5.

We start our year with our exciting Autumn topic about the Tudors.   In the second half term, our journey will continue to space and beyond, exploring what lies beyond our home planet and the mysteries of the Solar System and Galaxy.    

In the Spring term, our topic is Incredible Invaders. The children will first study the Anglo-Saxon settlement of Britain, exploring their legacy on British culture, Art and Geography.  We will also use texts such as the classic Viking myth Beowulf and Odd and the Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman to inspire our second half term of learning linked to the Viking invasion and impact on Britain. 

The focus of the Summer term will be Living Things and their Habitats, where we will also be embarking upon quests of different kinds. We will explore the life-cycles of plants and animals, using real-live specimens to bring our Science to life! 

We are passionate about reading.  Children have a reading journal to record their achievements in interesting ways. We visit the school library weekly and have extensive class libraries for the children to use and encourage children to read at home.

Times tables are still a priority and fast recall of all times table facts up to 12 X 12 will help with confidence in Maths lessons.

We also encourage the independent and adult-supported practise of spellings, with children having opportunities to consolidate Year 3 and 4 spelling lists, as well as moving on to the Year 5 and 6 spelling patterns and common exception words. 

The Year 5 team are excited about the year ahead and look forward to working with you and your children to make it an enjoyable and memorable year.

Please do contact us through our Year Group email: