Statutory Information

Every Local Authority maintained school must publish specific information on its website to comply with The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2016.
For ease of access, this information can be found on Billingshurst Primary School's website using the links below:
School Contact Details - Click this link for our contact details
If you have a general query then you're in the right place as the school website is often the best place to start.  The 'General Enquiries' link at the start of this section will take you to the home page where you can find links to all other parts of the website.
If that doesn't answer your query or you can't find what you need, please do contact the school office.  We want to help if we can.
Special Educational Needs - Mrs Theresa Alford & Mrs Katie Towner (SEND Coordinators) via the School Office
Some policies are required to be published on the school website.  These are as follows:
  • Emotional Regulation (Behaviour)
  • Charging and Remissions
  • Child Protection and Safeguarding
  • Complaints Procedure
  • Public Sector Equality Objectives (Single Equality Policy)
  • School Uniform
We choose to publish additional policies as well. 
All policies can all be accessed using this link: School Policies.
Safeguarding Contacts
Designated Safeguarding Lead:
Neil Matthews
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads:
Marion Ley
Theresa Alford
Georgi Cobden
Rebecca Hatrick
Neil Matthews
Katie Towner
Paper Copies
Should you, as a parent or carer require a copy of any of the information on our website, we will be happy to provide it free of charge.  Please contact the school office via to request this.